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воскресенье, 6 апреля 2008 г.

There is something wrong

Disregarding public protests, several vessels put to the White Sea to hunt for baby seals.
There are no serious economic grounds for continuation of the hunting for white-coat seals. The barbarian industry greatly damages the image of Russia viewed as an uncivilized nation in the eyes of the international community. I think it is extremely terrible to hunt for baby seals, but how we can stop it?

Unprintable words

Two-thirds of the Russians admit using unprintable words at times. They say that their friends do it too. Most of them even can’t speak not using these words. However, the above people strongly object to foul language if it’s used in public by politicians, actors, athletes or journalists. I think that swear words can be forgiven if they’re used as a link between the phrases. But they can’t be forgiven if used for expressing somebody’s bad emotions and anger in public. Am I right?

Mortal games

Modern kids in Russia are fed up with playing games inspired by Satanism or Rambo. Even the Spiderman doesn’t grab them any more. These days they play a different kind of games featuring death. Our country has a very high rate of kids suicides, may be the reason is in the games they play. What do your kids prefer playing? One can find plenty of web sites on issues relating to suicide while surfing the Net. According to the latest researches the number of visits keeps growing. Those sites are mostly visited by the young web surfers.

Russian street seller

Street seller in my native city. She sells newspapers and different other things even in winter, when it is 30 C degrees below zero!

Russian wives

Russian wives are popular among western men, I don’t know, exactly, why. But I can guess why Russian girls are looking forward to married abroad. Most of them are ready to be housewives, to stay at home with children, to ask their husbands for money, but here in Russia, they have to work as hard as men.So they are even glad to merry a man many years older.

среда, 2 апреля 2008 г.


These are shop-signs in a small Russian town. Only few people can read English, but shop owners prefer to write on their shop-signs in English, though they also can’t speak English. It is becoming a Russian tradition to named shops, sport clubs, beauty saloons in English, I don’t know why

вторник, 1 апреля 2008 г.

Orthodox Christian Lent

Orthodox Christian Lent always begins on the Monday, designated as Clean Monday, before the Sunday of Orthodoxy. This year it started on the 19th of February. Clean Monday marks the beginning of the time of prayer and fasting that precedes the celebration of Pascha, the most sacred and holy day of the Orthodox Church. Pascha, or Easter, will be celebrated April 27.
During all of Lent, Orthodox strive to abstain from eating certain foods. Their refraining from these foods does not somehow benefit God or make him like them more. Fasting is a form of self-discipline, like lifting weights or jogging. It builds the muscle of self-control. If they can master the temptation to reach for a cheeseburger, they can resist other daily temptations as they come along. In Russia there are over 130 million Orthodox Christians!

Army draft

Annual army draft started on the 1st of April. Since this year Russian boys will do military service during a year. Most of them can’t pass through the induction examination because of different diseases and lack of weight

Algohol in Moscow undeground

Different social organizations are struggling against advertisement of alcohol drinks in Moscow underground. Unfortunately in our country alcohol is advertising everywhere and it is almost impossible to change situation.

British investments

The Sunday Times journalists asked economic experts where British pensioners invest their money. Their answer surprised the journalists. More and more people in Britain prefer investing their money in Russian real estate. Its cost is increasing every day and Russian people have no opportunity to by it. Also the experts advise to pay attention to Chinese real estate market.

Pigs escaped from the lorry

The accident happened in Moscow countryside, when a driver stopped his lorry to have a short rest, the lorry fell on its side because of the soft ground on the wayside. Its doors opened and about 50 pigs escaped! The driver failed to find all animals. The same accident happened last year in Hungary. Over 1000 rabbits escaped after a road accident.

Fish Fest

Russian men adore fishing. They can do it all year long. It is a responsible way to get rid of the family for a weekend. More over they often return home without any fish, because as a rule if some Russian men meet in the nature, they are usually so drunk that can’t even make a tent and have to sleep in their cars in different uncomfortable poses. Sometimes they even hold fishing competitions, the nearest one is called FISH FEST and is taking place St. Petersburg soon.

A globe

Russian shop assistants decorate the windows of their shops by themselves, so the shop windows often look very funny. This composition may be called «A globe».