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воскресенье, 4 июля 2010 г.

Russian’s develop $30,000 cryo-freeze technology for waking up in the future

Those who don’t want to live forever raise your hands. Like I’ve always said, it seems like Hollywood seems to have a firm grasp over the control of how people wish the future to be. The glimpse of the future is cryonics. You know, where you freeze yourself or your brain and wake up a few decades in the future.

A lab in Russia has developed a way to freeze your brain or body for the future for a paltry sum of $10,000 or $30,000 respectively. The body is drained of all fluids and filled up with cryo-protectants. Of course there’s no telling when the technology will be developed to unfreeze you successfully or have brain transplants as a mundane operation. Either ways it seems like a cheap way to be immortal if you don’t mind the cold.

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